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by Fr. Dmitri, New Zealand

Saturday 24 April 2010 (16 Paremoude; 16 Baramoda):
St. Guthlac Hermit of Crowland.

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of
praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of
our lips giving thanks to his name.
(Heb. 13:15)


Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed
remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been
born of God.
(1 John 3:9)

I sought thee Lord and He heard me, and delivered
me from all my fears.
(Psa. 34:4)

I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my
(Psa. 116:1)

Let those who fear the Lord now say, "His mercy endures
(Psa. 118:4)

How great are those who reach the purity of children after
wars, which children do not know.
(Pope Shenouda III)

The eyes of God are on the righteous, and His ears are
open to their prayers, but the face of God is away
from all evildoers.
(Clementos of Alexandria)


The hour has sounded for joyful chants: Alleluia. Let us
praise God with our life, with our voice, with our hearts,
and with our deeds.

Heavenly Father, help us to give You constant praise in
our hearts. At the same time, let this attitude bear fruit
in our lives.-- producing truly Christian deeds.
(St. Augustine)



And when He thus had spoken, He cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. (John 11:43)

The name Lazarus is an abbreviated form of the Old Hebrew name Eleazar. We know him as being Lazarus of Bethany, the brother of Martha and Mary. It is thought that Simon the Leper was the father of Lazarus and his sisters, this could account for the intimacy that the family had with the Pharisee party. Also another suggestion has been made that Lazarus could have been that unnamed rich young ruler who come the Christ.

If we look at Epiphaneus Haer.i 652 we find a reference that he lived for another forty years after his resurrection and was seventy when he died. Tradition has it, that he and his sisters, with Mary wife of Cleophas were set adrift in a leaky boat by the Jews, with other disciples of the Lord of whom one is suggested to have been Joseph of Arimathea. But miraculously escaped destruction, and were brought safely to Marseilles.

In Marseilles Lazarus preached the Gospel, and founded a Church, became its Bishop, then he went to Citium in Cyprus where also he became its Bishop. Some say that he suffered a martyrs death and others that he died a natural death. It is also said that his sister Mary and Mary of Magdala were one and the same. Tradition has it that Mary Magdalen went to Marseilles. Joseph of Arimathea went further on to Britain with the other disciples among whom it is rumored that one of these was Mary the Mother of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ.

The bones of Lazarus and Mary Magdalene were brought from Cyprus to Constantinople by Emperor Leo VI of Byzantium known as the Philosopher, and a Church erected to his honor in Constantinople. There appears also to be a Church in Marseilles dedicated to St. Lazarus.

It is interesting to note that the other Gospel writers do not mention the resurrection of Lazarus as at least two of them must have been with Jesus at the time in Bethany. It is one of those mysteries, we will not know the answer to until the end of the age. From the Gospel Account that we have of the Raising of Lazarus, it would appear that it happened just prior to the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem.

To Thee be all glory and praise, now an ever, unto Ages of Ages.


Today's Readings:

Evening: Psalm 32:8; Matt.15:29-31.
Morning: Psalm 107:1-2; John 7:10-13.
Liturgy: Gal. 3:5-11; 1 John 3:2-11; Acts 5:12-20;
Psalm 20:5-6; Gospel John 6:47-56.


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