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Beatitudes: The Meek

by Fr. Dmitri, New Zealand

Saturday 5 June 2010 (28 Pachons; 28 Bashans)
All Saints of Rostov & Yaroslavl

Thought faith we understand that the worlds were
framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen
were not made of things which do not appear.
(Heb. 11:3)


Do not accustom your mouth to coarse, foul language,
for it involves sinful speech.
(Sirach 23:13)

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good because
His mercy endures forever.
(Psa. 118:1)

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for
another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer
of a righteous man availeth much.
(James 5:16)

Repentance is the freedom from slavery of sin and the devil.
(Pope Shenouda III)

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified,for
the Lord your God goes with you, He will never leave you
nor forsake you.
(Deut. 31:6)

Before giving to a needt, show your smiling face with kind words
and support to his pains.
(Mar Isaac the Syrian)

Harken O My God, my Lord,my king, my Hope, my home, salvation
and health, my life & my light, listen to me in your tenderness.
(St. Augustine)

And if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive
you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
(John 14:3)

I will sing to the Lord, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.
(Psa. 13:6)

We have been created for You. Our hearts cannot have rest and
peace except in You. Who else can grant me this peace? To whom
can I go to get this gift of Your presence in my heart? So that
I might forget all my sins and embrace my only righteousness.
(St. Augustine of Hippo)


Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore seek not to understand
that you may believe - but believe that you may understand.

Triune God, grant that we may have a strong living faith in You and in
Your divine plan of Salvation. Help us to believe that we may understand
and love our Christian Heritage.
(St. Augustine of Hippo)


The Beatitude: The Peaceable

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. (Matt. 5:4)

This Beatitude, like the first, aimed against a worldly idea of Kingdom. The Jews looked for power so that they could rise up against the Romans and clear them out and once more possess their own land in peace.

Against this we have Blessed are the Poor; and now we have: 'Blessed are the meek' (Non-Violent) 'for they shall inherit the earth'. But Christ's words are meant for all men and all times. The world worships successful violence, but Christ says there is no true happiness that way. Victory is with the non-violent in the long run. Ghandhiji tried to teach this to the Indian People, but they soon forgot his teaching. India is full of violence.

But who are the 'meek'? Nobody likes to be called meek. The English word is only used in a bad sense.

The word used in Greek Gospel may be rendered 'peaceable'. The opposite of anger and violence. Not feebleness; but strength, good-tempered and good-humored; uncontensious, ready to meet people half way.

Only towards the Scribes and Pharisees etc. was Christ violent (at the close of His public ministry) in words, and occasionally in action (driving the Sellers out of the Temple). Mystery here - their hearts were hardened, as He struck against the very fabric of their existence and showed up the Sham front they were putting before the people - He was acting as a Prophet, speaking on God's behalf against evil in high places - still the mystery remains.

Do not spitefully use people or make unreasonable, extortionate demands upon them. Do not withhold anything that rightfully belongs to another person, give them what is rightfully theirs.

That is the duty of man.

The longer we live, the more important the simple ordinary things like being kind, and genuine and not two faced become. We should behave as children of one Heavenly Father.

To Thee be glory and praise, now and ever, unto Ages of Ages.


Today's Readings:

Evening: Psalm 132:9-10,17-18; Matt. 4: 23-5:16.
Morning: Psalm 110:4-5 & 7; Luke 6:17-23.
Liturgy: 2 Tim. 3:10-4:22; 1 Peter 5:1-14; Acts 20:17-38;
Psalm 73:23-24 & 28; Gospel John 10:1-16.


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