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by Fr. Dmitri, New Zealand

Confession to Christ

Saturday 5 September 2009 (30 Mesori;30Mesra)
Malachi the Prophet; Irenaeus Bp. of Lyons.

What we shall later be has not yet come to light.
We know that when it comes to light we shall be like Him.
(1 John 3:2)

The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his
tongue talks of justice. The law of his God is in his
heart; none of his steps shall slide.

For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, and
the people should seek the law from his mouth; for
he is the messenger of the Lord of Hosts.
(Malachi 2:7)

Do no evil to anyone, and do not judge anyone.
Observe this and you will be saved.
(Macarius the Great)

Indeed, to obey is, with all deliberateness, to put
aside the capacity to make one's own judgement.
(John Climacus)

When we pray for the departed, keep in mind that no
one has yet received the perfect reward, and that
'they, without us, should not be made perfect.'

In all the roads of our travels in this world, one
cannot find peace so long as he is not near the hope,
which is God Himself.
(Isaac the Syrian)

Jesus Christ the Word, who came and took flesh,
He dwelt in us and we saw His glory.
(The Holy Psalmody)


To love is to be transformed into what we love. To
love God is therefore to be transformed into God.

Heavenly Father, grant us Your grace to love You
and to be ever more like You day after day.
Enable us at the end of our lives to be totally
conformed to You and to see You as you are.
(John of the Cross)



For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness;
and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

In Confession so much depends on our dispositions. The Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
is like rain falling on hard pavements, on sand, or on good soil. How can we
improve our Confessions? Take three of the Gospel penitents:

1. The Prodigal:
(a) Examination of conscience among the Swine. Sin meant separation from his Father who he had treated badly.
(b) Contrition: 'go to my Father.'
(c) Amendment: 'One of thy hired servants.'

2.Mary Magdalene:
(a) Examination: Difference between Christ and Herself.
(b) Contrition: At the Feet of Christ.
(c) Amendment: used her gifts for Christ: close to Christ, at the Cross and sepulchre.

3.Good Thief:
(a) Examination = the difference: ' we indeed justly suffer for our crimes.'
(b) Contrition: 'Remember Me.'
(c) Amendment: To suffer with Christ.

Confession should be personal, not a mere mental exercise. If you have failed Him, hope to do
better, come and tell him so. Practice Self Examination on a Daily Basis and
come to the Throne of Heavenly Grace and seek forgiveness for any misdemeanors.

Ask yourself where do you stand in Our Lord's eyes? What can I do better?
What way have I let my Lord down and my fellow man? Remember that you have a beam in your own
eye that you have to remove, before you draw attention to the speck in your brother's eye.

Confession like charity begins at home.
We must die daily for Christ.

Practice the "Jesus Prayer"
'Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God have mercy upon me a Sinner.'
You can say this aloud or mentally without ceasing.

I have found a poem which I feel is most appropriate:

A Lesson from the Camel:

The Camel at the close of day,
Kneels down upon the sandy plain
To have his burden lifted off,
And rest at last to gain.

My soul, thou too, shouldst to thy knees
When daylight draweth to a close,
And let thy Master lift thy load
And grant repose.

The Camel kneels at the break of day
To have his guide replace his load
Then rises up anew to take
The desert road.

So thou shouldst kneel at morning dawn
That God may give the daily care,
Assured that He no load too great
Will make thee bear.

(Anne Whitney)

To Thee be Glory and Praise now and ever, unto Ages of Ages.


Today's Readings:

Evening: Psalm 5:12-13; Gospel Matt.13:53-58.
Morning: Psalm 100:8; Gospel Matt.14:1-5.
Liturgy: Ephes.4:8-16; 2 Peter 1:19-2:3; Acts 7:30-37;
Psalm 49:14&23; Gospel Luke 14:16-24.


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